
NaNoWriMo kickoff
It was a pleasure to talk novel writing, plus share tips for staying the course, with aspiring NaNoWriMo authors on October 26, 2022.

Opening up—author interviews
After The Broken Places debuted in April 2022, two bloggers interviewed me about what it’s like to be a writer.

Word Vancouver
What fun to celebrate reading and writing in person again at Word Vancouver!

Editors Edmonton and the divine Glass Bookshop join forces for an Alberta launch of The Broken Places on September 14, 2022.

VPL Writers Showcase
Four authors, 15 minutes each, in a bid to capture readers’ attention. It’s a tall order, but I’m up for it!

August is Indigo month
On August 7, 2022, I kicked off a series of book signings at Indigo/Chapters stores in BC.

Alberta bestseller, again
Thanks (maybe?) to those Ontario events, The Broken Places made it to #4 on the July list of bestselling Alberta-published books.

Ottawa book event
A warm thank-you to Perfect Books, in downtown Ottawa, for celebrating The Broken Places on August 3, 2022.

Hello, Ontario!
I’m Ontario-bound. First stop: Toronto, for readings with fellow NeWest Press authors Jill Frayne and John O’Neill.

Alberta bestseller
What a thrill to see The Broken Places on the list of bestselling books published in Alberta!

Library talk
I visit my local library nearly every week. On June 15 I’m there not to borrow but to give—a talk, that is.

Sunshine Coast swag
The Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society kindly invited me to talk about and read from The Broken Places at their May 27 meeting in Davis Bay.