
The fusion of fact and fiction
On March 13, 7:00–8:00pm, acclaimed author Tara McGuire and I will be at North Vancouver’s Lynn Valley Library to talk about the fusion of fact and fiction in our books.

Standouts of 2023
What a treat this week to learn that not one but both of my novels are on Consumed by Ink’s list of standout reads for 2023!

Uncontrolled Flight a best book of 2023 (fiction)
There’s no bookshelf I’d rather be on than 49th Shelf. Dedicated to helping readers discover Canadian books, this platform just released its 2023 Books of the Year (Fiction) list, and Uncontrolled Flight is on it!

North Shore Authors Collection + book fair
Uncontrolled Flight deals with universal themes (loss, love, grief, passion) but in its details it’s local. With luck, more local readers will discover the novel now that it’s part of the 2023–24 North Shore Authors Collection.

Uncontrolled Flight on Alberta bestseller lists
Enough Albertans added Uncontrolled Flight to their bookshelves during the last week of October that the novel sneaked onto two bestseller lists.

Writer’s Day Out
On Saturday, November 18, the Federation of BC Writers is hosting a special Writer’s Day Out in Victoria, and I’m delighted to be part of it.

Fraser Valley Writers Festival
“Write an original piece and debut it at the festival. And you have to write about either Accept or Decline.” The invitation was three parts intriguing, one part scary. I had to accept.

Headed for Edmonton
Alberta-bound; I’m Alberta-bound. If that gets your toes tapping, you’ll feel a bit like me: feet itching to get to Edmonton.

Teatime at Books on Beechwood
While in Ottawa, I joined author Wayne Ng on October 2 for a teatime book signing at Books on Beechwood.

Book night in Nanaimo
Windowseat Books (Nanaimo) is that bookstore we all want to visit. Friendly, curated, and eclectic, this cozy shop hosted an intimate launch on September 26, 2023, to celebrate Danial Neil’s latest novel, The Sum of One Man’s Pleasure.

Ottawa launch of Uncontrolled Flight
I can’t wait to launch Uncontrolled Flight in Ottawa, my home for nearly 20 years before I moved west.

On grief, complex characters, and other preoccupations
I sat down with Matt Bowes, General Manager of NeWest Press, to chat about my second novel (which was, spoiler, actually my first!) and the bittersweet pleasure of writing and reading about difficult characters and emotions.