
Celebration with Massy Books
Counting the sleeps until this reading on May 3, 2022, hosted by Massy Books.

Sweet launch gift
Imagine my delight, following my North Vancouver book launch, when I opened this box of handmade cookies from a former editing student.

North Vancouver book launch
What a thrill to officially launch The Broken Places at the new Museum of North Vancouver!

In praise of dreamy design
When I heard that Natalie Olsen, designer of the sumptuous Short Story Advent Calendar, would design my book, I danced a jig of joy. Olsen’s dreamy creations make book lovers swoon.

To cry, to laugh
Long, long ago (1986), in a kingdom far, far away (Wolfville, NS), I wrote my Honours BA thesis on Thomas Hardy.

When art gets its hooks in you
The other night, at the suggestion of my brother-in-law in Ottawa, perhaps the best recommender of music, books, and movies that I know, I watched the 2018 film The Miseducation of Cameron Post.