
Freedom to read
In 2025, when books, topics, words, historical records, and human rights and freedoms are being banned and destroyed daily in the United States, Freedom to Read Week feels more vital than ever.

New review of Uncontrolled Flight
Thank you to The Seaboard Review for the warm, detailed coverage of Uncontrolled Flight.

November 2024 readings
I have two Uncontrolled Flight readings in the Vancouver area this month. Both are free and open to all.

Word Vancouver 2024: two events
Each fall the free (and free-wheeling) Word Vancouver festival takes over part of the downtown. On Sep 28, I’m involved in two events at UBC Robson Square.

My journey from editor to author
On August 24 (2:00–3:30pm), I’ll be at the New Westminster Public Library to share what I’ve learned about publishing, agents, marketing, and the interplay of writing and editing.

Book signing
I’ll be at Indigo Park Royal, West Vancouver, on Aug 17 (1–3pm) to sign copies of Uncontrolled Flight and The Broken Places. If you’re around, come visit me!

Globe and Mail: books we’re reading in August
A summer surprise for The Broken Places: making the Globe and Mail list of “Books we’re reading and loving in August.”

Federation of BC Writers ambassador
I was equal parts gobsmacked and honoured when, earlier this year, the Federation of BC Writers invited me to serve as their ambassador for 2024–25. Now that the announcement is official, I can share the news far and wide.

CJSF interview
On July 5, 2024, Charlotte “Sista C” Ferrell interviewed Lisa Brideau, author of the compelling novel Adrift, and me on her weekly program, Speak Up, Listen Up, Act Upon.

Genre-defying fiction
What genre is your novel? I get asked that a lot, and with Uncontrolled Flight I’m never quite sure what to say.

Sidney LitFest fundraiser
I’m delighted to be a guest at this very civil tea party, a celebration of reading and writing—and of course, high tea—to raise funds for the Sidney LitFest.

New Brunswick book tour
Uncontrolled Flight lands in New Brunswick in May! I’m delighted to announce a tour through Moncton, Fredericton, and Oromocto.