August is Indigo month

Photo of Frances Peck sitting at Indigo table, ready to sign books, which are set up in front of her.
Photo: Maureen Bayless

On August 7, 2022, I kicked off a series of book signings at Indigo/Chapters stores in BC. It was a blue-sky Sunday, the perfect afternoon to spend at Indigo Granville, Vancouver.

Upcoming signings:

  • Indigo Robson, Vancouver, August 28, 1:00 to 3:00 pm, along with fellow NeWester J.T. Siemens
Photo of J.T. Siemens on the left and Frances Peck on the right, sitting side by side at an Indigo table, ready to sign books, which are set up in front of them. Behind them are large posters of their book covers.

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