Fraser Valley Writers Festival

Poster showing the 2023 lineup for the Fraser Valley Writers Festival. Details on the left side: Saturday, November 4th; UFV Abbotsford, Room B101; Free and open to all; Events on the right side: Panels start at 3 pm and feature authors Ali Blythe, Bradley Peters, Brandon Reid, Russell Thornton, andrea bennett, Brandi Bird, Tara Sidhoo Fraser, and Frances Peck. Keynotes start at 7 pm and will be given by Lorna Crozier and Darrel J. McLeod. There's a note that writing workshops will be given by andrea bennett and Ali Blythe.

“Write an original piece and debut it at the festival. And you have to write about either Accept or Decline.” The invitation was three parts intriguing, one part scary. I had to accept.

So now I’m part of the lineup for the 2023 Fraser Valley Writers Festival on Saturday, November 4. I’m moderating the first author panel, at 3pm, which features pieces on Accept. Then I’m reading in the second panel, on Decline. I can’t wait to hear what the other writers come up with.

If you’re curious too, drop by this inspiring one-day event at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, Room B101. The panels are free and open to all. So are the keynotes that cap off the day, given by two of BC’s most illustrious authors, Lorna Crozier and Darrel J. McLeod.

“Decline” panel (left to right): chair Brandon Reid, andrea bennett, Brandi Bird, Tara Sidhoo Fraser, me

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