Federation of BC Writers ambassador

Head shot of Frances Peck with caption underneath that says "Frances Peck Ambassador 2024"

I was equal parts gobsmacked and honoured when, earlier this year, the Federation of BC Writers invited me to serve as their ambassador for 2024–25. Now that the announcement is official, I can share the news far and wide.  

The FBCW ambassador spreads the word about the Federation and its programming and does other kinds of outreach in the BC writing community. We’re already brainstorming what kinds of talks, webinars, and appearances—in person and online—I might be part of in the coming year.

The outgoing ambassador, Vancouver author Christina Myers, is not only a terrific writer, editor, and mentor, she can really rock a pair of heels. So naturally there’s been a lot of joking about me, with my Blundstones and runners, being unable to fill her shoes. But I will give it my best shot (the role, that is).

If you’re a writer in BC, whether published or emerging, consider joining the Federation. It’s an affordable way to meet fellow wordsmiths and tap into an incredible trove of resources and programming.

I joined a year before my first novel came out and have benefitted in too many ways to list, from making friends to honing my craft to learning about book promotion. As a member, I’ve been quietly singing the Fed’s praises since 2021. As ambassador, I look forward to cranking up the volume.

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